Hi Amy! I joined Write with Influence tonight and it is amazing! I am SO glad I found your program. I can already tell that this is going to help me a lot! Thanks :)
Melissa Williams, Brand Meets Copy
Want it now?
Write With Influence is an online, self-paced study resource with tutorials, techniques and templates to help you write persuasive marketing content, faster.
Unlock the courseYou know your product or service is good.
It deserves attention, appreciation, and most importantly sales.
But you don't know how to sell it (in writing)
Can you relate to the following?
- You're not sure how to describe (or even identify) your biggest selling points
- You feel uncomfortable with the idea of selling
- You don't know where to start when writing a sales page, email, or services page
- You don't know how to write persuasively without sounding pushy (don't worry - it is possible)
You're not alone feeling like this, but that doesn't make the problem any easier.
You have to write sales copy if you want to make sales.
Blog posts, event pages, welcome pages, about pages, social media updates, leaflets, brochures, sales pages, emails etc.
Every time your business does something new, releases a new product, wants to make a sale (kind of always) you need to create materials to attract customers and encourage them to buy or try you out.
I've heard these frustrations time and time again. From clients, in workshops, at conferences... from people all around the world.
And it's why I created Write With Influence.
Stop writing marketing copy in the dark
Love what I see in the course! I've been a fan of yours for several months, so when I saw you were offering a course I didn't hesitate to go for it. I've taken an hour or so to click around through the first module and I'm impressed. There is a lot of material here for the price! You're off to a terrific launch. I can't wait to dig in.
Jim Pier, The James Pier Company Inc
Struggling to write persuasive copy doesn't just waste a lot of time, it stops you engaging people who would love your product. If they only appreciated the value of what you have.
I've seen too many worthy businesses:
- Sell themselves short
- Play it safe (and sound like everyone else)
- Worry about annoying customers
- Stress about not getting a response
- See other companies race ahead while thinking: "But my product is better!"
And I wanted to create a resource that would help, because it really doesn't have to be so difficult.
What's possible with Write With Influence?
Write With Influence has been designed with business owners, copywriters, and marketers in mind.
Anyone who needs to 'sell in writing' but doesn't have the time to sit around reading tons of copywriting and marketing books and spending months of trial and error trying to figure out how to write a headline or a sales page.
Great for a no-nonsense grounding in writing for the 21st Century... I decided to become a member of Write With Influence after a long time reading the blog (harrisonamy.com). I wanted to use Write With Influence to improve my copy in general which is always good to learn in this business. The 15 Elements of Influence has been an interesting approach and the course has certainly honed my skills. It's great for a no-nonsense grounding in writing for the 21st century.
Mike Garner, Branding With Words
Whether you want to improve your web content, your sales pages, leaflets, brochures, or pitches, Write With Influence helps you to:
Stop underselling yourself
Uncover hidden selling points and discover how to showcase this value in your copy
Build your confidence
Stop feeling nervous about marketing and get excited about telling the world what you have
Brush up on your headlines, subheadings, bullet points...
From the headline to the call-to-action, you get tutorials to help write them all
Identify the customer details that are actually important
It's not about the car they drive or any other psychic details other marketing courses expect you to know.
Write for multiple marketing mediums
Use the course to write sales pages, brochures and leaflets to promote your business, a product, service or event - again and again
Save time, eliminate headaches
The materials show you what to do step-by-step. No more tearing your hair out wondering what to write or what should come next on your page
You don't need to spend hours scouring the internet for answers to your copywriting problems
There is plenty of free advice out there in the world about how to improve your marketing copy. The problem is it's scattered far and wide, by different authors of varying experience. It's like rummaging through the sale racks at TK Maxx. Yes you might find just what you're looking for at a bargain price, IF you don't mind spending hours across many days looking for it.
In short it can take a lot of time to look for information down the rabbit hole of the internet and find exactly what you want and need.
A vast pool of valuable content and lessons... I want to write elegant, truthful copy for business owners wondering why their current ads aren't bringing happy customers through the door. There's quite a few expert marketers out there promising to help people learn to do just that. But as I investigated different courses, I began to notice a disturbing trend. Many of these experts offered a hook that led not to the product they guaranteed, but another hook...and another hook...and another. After sampling some of the free content that you provide, I became convinced that your course was a vast pool of valuable content and lessons, and not just a bottomless pit of endless unfulfilled promises. Thank you for exhibiting the values of "truthful" and "elegant!" I am very excited to begin studying with you. I've already read through some of the materials on Write With Influence, and I was pleased to see that my hopes were not misplaced. In just a half hour browsing through some of the resources, I already know I'm learning from the right teacher. Thanks again!
Douglas Singer
You don't need to spend £1,000s hiring a copywriter
It's not always the best idea to hire a copywriter.
Many smart business owners just need some guidance and are happy to write their own copy.
Sometimes hiring a copywriter is a great investment, but if you want the flexibility that comes with being in charge of your own copy, learning persuasive principles may be better for you.
A copywriter will usually create one piece for you. You get to use that piece as many times as it works, but you don't get to know why it works so you can do it yourself in the future. What's more, if your business changes, suddenly that brilliant Home Page you spent £600 being written can no longer be used.
Write With Influence shows you the steps and techniques you can use again and again to write persuasively about any product or service you've offering.
You don't need to travel or leave the office
Copywriting courses can work well. I run copywriting training for companies so I know the value of hands-on training when people get together.
But if you're working on your own, an in-person copywriting course can cost a lot of time and money.
Here's what I've found tends to happen:
- You spend a lot of money (a one day course in copywriting in the UK is around £550)
- You pack your head with information in one day, fuelled by coffees and pastries (biscuits if the course providers are stingy)
- You leave exhausted, but pleased at a folder brimming with scribbles and handouts
- Next day at your desk with a million things to do, you look over at your folder thinking "I should put some time aside to go through that and organise my notes"
Then life gets in the way
Write With Influence has bite-size lessons, already structured so you can work through them start to finish, or dip in and out when you need them.
Much easier and less overwhelming than a folder of notes.
No time to take a 'course'?
Then you will really LOVE this...
This was designed for people who need help writing, but DON'T have time for another course right now and don't want to pay for a membership that they might not use every single month.
Your business has its own unique schedule. Sometimes you're flat out, sometimes you have extra time to study new skills. You need something flexible, that fits in with you.
You don't need another demand on your time that makes you feel overwhelmed.
That's why...
There is NO time limit
Once you're in, you're in for as long as Write With Influence is around. Then it's up to you whether you:
- Use the resources as and when you need to brush up on something specific
- Work through the materials from the beginning and use it as a course in persuasive writing
- Use the modules, workbooks and templates to create marketing materials for an unlimited amount of marketing content
- Hit the templates and use the lessons for reference to make a quick start writing a solid page of marketing copy
New content added (request lessons for free)
- The value of the course increases over time as more content is added and updated
- Founding members get to shape the future content - want a lesson on something specific? Ask, and if it fits we'll make it happen and add it to the course!
Write With Influence is here for you when YOU need it all for a one-time payment
(sigh of relief as 'pressure to use new thing' is removed)
When you register as a founding member, you pay a one-off fee and that's it. It will become a membership in the future, but when you join today you become a lifetime member and don't need to worry about recurring costs, it's a one and done price.
This means you pay one manageable cost, while the course continues to grow in value. Sweet!
Why is Write With Influence different?
No "sales speak" templates
Write With Influence was developed over years of writing copy for businesses and then training other businesses to write their own copy. What I noticed was that while the businesses I worked with changed (from life coaches to software companies), the process of writing persuasively stayed the same. Over the course of running my workshops online and in Europe I developed a step-by-step system for researching the details of a business and then putting those details together to describe an offer or service persuasively.
The materials within this course have been born from hundreds of hours of creating exercises and training materials, trying them, tweaking them and refining them into the current system which I call Write With Influence. What's more, you'll never be forced to write anything that doesn't sound like you. I've downloaded plenty of marketing materials that encourage you to adopt the style that worked for the author. Just because certain words and phrases worked for one person doesn't mean they will work for you. They might even harm your reputation. Write With Influence gives you the structure to develop your own persuasive style.
No time-limit pressure or ongoing membership costs
I know it's not just me that sees an online course, gets excited, signs up and then BOOM life gets in the way and I don't have time to work through the materials. When I do have the time, the course is over or expired. Dang-it! As a founding member you get unlimited access to the materials (and future content) for as long as Write With Influence is around (something I see to being a very very long time). What's more, it's not a monthly membership for founding members. It's a one-off cost to make this accessible to small business owners. So if you're also like me and have signed up to online memberships that you've rarely used, you won't have the guilt of not using it or the pressure of not wanting to quit in case one day you need it.
It works across different industries and businesses
The materials aren't just from my experience of writing persuasive copy. They've been developed by seeing other businesses use them and get results from them. There are some courses that teach you only what the course leader has done and experienced, but you don't always know how much of it is just their natural talent, environment or unique experience. The system behind Write With Influence has been used with:
- A variety of industries: coaching, consultancy, nutrition and fitness, technology, finance, cultural relations
- A variety of personalities: bold, introvert, nurturing, firm but fair
- A variety of business sizes: solo business owners to multi-million pound international organisations
- A variety of backgrounds: business owners, customer service reps, account managers, project managers, teachers
- A variety of cultures: British, German, French, Latvian, Estonian, Finnish, Swedish, Bulgarian, Romanian, Cypriot,
Some of the workshops were training people where English was not their first language, so if you think you need to be a master of the English language and know a bunch of subtle psychological language tricks trust me, you don't (phew!)
It's not a static resource - it's constantly growing
The materials that you see when you become a member are just the beginning. There are already more lessons, tutorials and templates waiting to be added in and it will continue to grow. I still write for businesses and I still coach businesses about copywriting. Every time I do I see the potential for a new template, or exercise or way of explaining a lesson. Basically, your membership is only going to grow in value, and you get to access everything from one place.
Is Write With Influence for you?
While the system of Write With Influence has worked with businesses around the world, the initial launch of the online version is aimed at a slightly narrower target market. This is for you if:
- You sell or promote a business, product or service and you are the person who will be using the course and writing the materials
- You're willing to do the exercises
- Your offer has value and there are customers who love it (or will love it)
- Write With Influence can shine up a great offer but it's not ethical to use these techniques for a poor-quality product
- You're NOT looking for a blogging or content marketing course.
- Write With Influence can sharpen up your blogging skills, and help your content marketing (especially if you blog to promote your product) but it won't teach you specifically about blogging or give you a content marketing strategy.
I joined Write With Influence as I wanted to be able to write my own sales and web copy effectively. I was relaunching my website so the timing was great. The course helped me sell what I do much more effectively, taking into account my readers' mindset and desires. I would recommend Write With Influence, it's written in a fun and engaging way, and at the same time it's really clear. The workbooks help turn ideas into reality. I've used the materials to write every single page of my website. Ginny Carter, The Author Maker: Marketingtwentyone.co.uk
Ginny Carter, The Author Maker, MarketingTwentyOne.co.uk
What you get as a member:
100+ Copywriting Lessons
Over 100 lessons and tutorials to sharpen your copy skills
Sales Page Module
A dedicated module for writing sales pages
Lifetime Access
When you need them, the materials are there for you
B2B Bolt on Module
Additional copywriting techniques for writing to the B2B market
Use the workbooks to apply the tutorials to your product or service
'Intuitive' Templates
Write persuasively in your own voice, not that of a sales robot
The lessons YOU need
Idea for a lesson? Let us know and if it fits, we'll include it
Meet Amy Harrison
I put together Write With Influence after years of working with big and small businesses in my copywriting workshops. The materials worked and I got a real kick out of seeing business owners and employees writing more persuasive marketing copy, and seeing the confidence that went with that.
What frustrated me was not being able to reach more people especially when I saw so many business owners and freelancers struggle with the idea of 'selling themselves.' So I gathered all the materials from my workshops over the years and put them into an online resource that would be accessible and affordable to small business owners.
I like to help people improve their copy

A bit more about me:
- I studied scriptwriting for film and television for 3 years at Bournemouth Media School
- I have always loved film, TV, stories, performing on stage and public speaking
- I spent around 4 years working for a private investment company that bought and sold websites (where I translated my scriptwriting skills into copywriting skills)
- Since 2008 I have been working for myself as a copywriter and training businesses how to improve their copy
- I used to sing in a bluegrass band where I met my husband
- I'm also a published short story writer (well... one short story that People's Friend picked up :-) )
- In 2013 I launched AmyTV, an online comedy sketch show about persuasive writing and content marketing
- I've talked in Austin, Texas at SXSW on the subject of funny women in marketing
- I'm a regular lunchtime radio guest for the BBC
And I'm here to help you get the most out of this course!
Why business owners love Amy's training materials
In its latest form, Write With Influence is still a relatively new product, but it's been developed from materials I've taught previously in online webinars around the world and live workshops throughout Europe. You get access to the same training materials I've used in sales page classes online and copywriting classes for multi-million pound international organisations.
Here are just a few samplings of feedback from people who have been in those workshops and classes:
Amy Harrison's training was excellent. Direct, easy to follow and very detailed, she had certainly thought about all areas and aspects. I'll be able to use her training and handouts for numerous projects, knowing I'll now have everything covered. Thank you! - Jeda Peal of JedaPearl.co.uk
Jeda Pearl, Jeda Pearl Creative, JedaPearl.co.uk
When I signed up for the Sales Page Bootcamp, I was skeptical that I would learn anything new. After all, I was pretty happy with the sales page that I created. And the cost of the course was more than I wanted to spend right now. However, I’ve been a big fan of yours for quite some time and couldn’t pass up the opportunity to learn from you. It turned out to be a smart decision. Your course helped me create a sales page that I’m really proud of. And your feedback was timely and very helpful. You really know your stuff, Amy. First, working through the exercises gave me greater clarity on my customer's problems and how my product solved these problems. Next, I learned how to translate my product’s features, benefits and results into headlines that reached out and grabbed my reader. Finally, using your sales page model helped me create the content that supported my headlines. And I learned a logical system that I can easily repeat on my future products. Bottom line? I’d highly recommend your course to anyone who needs to write a convincing sales page.
Bill Honnold, Honnold Media
Amy's training has helped me turn my eBook sales page into something that I am proud of. She provides detailed copy-writing advice, personalized feedback, and specific criteria that is easy to follow. The workbooks that she supplies have not only helped in my own page, but have also given me confidence and inspiration to start copy-writing for clients.
Tara Stukkie, How to Get a Teaching Job
Your “How to Write a Sales Page” course was just what I needed to improve my copywriting skills. While I already knew the basics through another program, I lacked any confidence in my sales page skills. Your training, guides, and examples helped me efficiently organize information and think of new angles. Furthermore, your feedback on my ideas and writing showed not only what I needed to improve, but what I did well. I have so much more confidence in my sales page writing skills now, and my writing for clients shows it. Thank you for your excellent course and materials.
Holly Genser, Web Writer and Consultant, HollyGenser.com
Thanks again for all your help Amy. The slides and lesson material were straight forward and easy to follow. I'm using them as references on new projects. Nice to have!
Barry Desautels, Twin River Expediting
What's inside?
There are 7 main sections:
- Set Up For Success
- Attract and Engage
- Craft Your Irresistible Offer
- Build Rock Solid Trust
- Advanced Copywriting Techniques
- Copywriting Tools
- Templates
Each teaching module has different lessons to work through and there are workbooks to help you write down your answers to the exercises so that you have useful notes to review when it comes to writing.
Module 1: Set Up For Success
This section is your orientation area for Write With Influence. It walks you through why Writing With Influence is so important today with the way marketing, businesses and consumer demands have changed in the past few years (thanks internet!) The lessons in this section include:
Module 2: Attract and Engage
Before you write anything you need to look at who is going to be the perfect fit for that offer. This is something I found business owners were very frustrated with. Most marketing advice asks you to find out details about your audience that you will never use in your writing. I've worked with companies who have spent weeks on training courses building huge in-depth profiles on their customer right down to the number of people they live with, their favourite colour and the car they drive.
Looking at a weighty folder with all that detail was overwhelming and not very helpful, they still had no idea how to start writing their marketing content.
I'm not saying in-depth research isn't useful, I'm saying for the average small business, these details will stall you rather than set you off on a course to creating persuasive copy. I want to get you up and running as quickly as possible without compromising quality. So in this section spend time building a useful profile with the following lessons:
Module 3: Craft Your Irresistible Offer
Now it's time to pin down your offer, research the details and reveal value. Here you'll find the following lessons:
- Two research mistakes to avoid
- Set a goal for your content
- Pin down the details
- For a product
- For a service
- For an event
- For a course
- The Business behind the offer
- Sell symptoms to get attention
- Psychology, emotion and YOUR customer
- Build your impact table
- Use your impact table to write copy
- Tell a unique story about your product
- The "Until Now" technique
- Make them Red-Faced and Naked
Module 4: Build Rock Solid Trust
Here you learn to layer on the elements that give you credibility and build customer confidence that you can do what you say you can do.
Lessons in this section include:
Module 5: Advanced Writing Techniques
There are also additional lessons to help sharpen your copy skills:
Module 6: Copywriting Tools
This includes tools for more specific building blocks of persuasive copywriting, including:
- An introduction to headlines
- The Headline Shaker Maker
- Audience Thermometer (choosing the right tone-of-voice)
- Your Influential Scoresheet
- How to use subheadings
- An introduction to bullet points
- Constructing a strong call-to-action
Module 7: Templates
Here you'll find guides to walk you through:
These guides encourage you to develop your own voice in a strong structure. That way you sound like you, while remembering to include persuasive principles.
Join today
When you joint Write With Influence today, your one-off access cost is just £497.
I want to repeat, that's a one-off cost not a monthly cost. In short, if you take advantage of signing up at the earliest stage you get access to all this content, and future content for just £497. That's all you pay, not a penny more.
My driving desire behind the resources is to make it easy for business owners to access, and a hefty price tag won't help. Also I want to reward you as an early member for signing up and thank you in advance for any feedback you provide (no obligation but remember you have unique chance to shape the course with the option to request lessons and tutorials you'd like to see in the course.)
All Write With Influence course materials
2 x 50 minute coaching call with Amy
Written on-page review of your copy (up to 2,000 words)
1 x 20 minute follow-up coaching call with Amy
Call recordings
Calls must be taken within 120 days of purchase
What if it's not for me?
You didn't skip over the "Is Write With Influence for You" section did you? ;-) Once you login you have immediate access to years of my work in copywriting and content marketing at a price I’ve made deliberately accessible to small businesses. I am confident that the value of the materials far outstretches the cost of the membership. As a result refunds won’t be admitted 5 days after becoming a member.
However, if within 7 days of you joining you believe that you have significantly misunderstood what the course was about, email us, let us know what caused confusion and we will happily issue a refund.
Let me in already!
No worries. Simply click on the payment button:
- You'll be taken to Paypal to make your secure payment (you can still pay by credit card if you don't have a PayPal account)
- Once you've completed your purchase details you'll be redirected to a welcome page where you can create your login details (you'll also get a link to this page in your purchase confirmation emails)
- Once you've created your login details you'll be taken to your member dashboard and you'll be good to go.
Got it! Now, help me write more persuasive marketing content for just £497 all-in...
Here's to helping you write some killer marketing materials - I can't wait to see what you do!