Copywriting Labs are currently closed – returning shortly
How to Write Stellar Landing Page Copy (Step-by-Step)
You missed it!
Recently I did a webinar for Unbounce, a landing page and conversion optimisation firm. It was about writing killer landing page copy and it went down a storm (with more than 3,000 people signed up for it).
In this new Copywriting Lab, I’ll be revisiting some of the tools I talked about in that webinar and adding more:
- How to build compelling headlines and value proposition statements in just 3 steps
- How to gather details that proves to your customer you have incredible value
- How to turn the facts about your product or service into evocative, compelling copy
- How to make sure you’re not missing out any key elements in your landing page
- How to decide whether you’re landing page is too long, not long enough or ‘just right’
Copywriting Lab Bonuses:
- Your FREE “Story of Persuasion” workbook
- LIVE tweet chat to answer any questions you have there and then
- REPLAY available for a limited time after the event
What is a Copywriting Lab?
Every few weeks I run a Copywriting Lab where I share winning copywriting techniques to help you promote your business (see below for previous ones we’ve done).
This time round you’re going to find out what it takes to build winning landing page copy piece by piece.
What do I mean by a landing page? This can be anything from a direct sales page (where you want people to click a buy button), or a lead-generation page (where you want them to give you their details so your sales team can follow-up with them), or an opt-in page (where someone gives you contact information in exchange for signing up to your newsletter, or getting their hands on your free gift).
Every single line of your copy should be working hard to drive your reader to take that action.
But how do you know what to include in your landing page? How do you pick out those deep benefits and communicate them in a way that makes your customer say: “Tell me more!”
That’s what we’re going to cover in this month’s copywriting lab. What’s more, even if you HATE copywriting, you’ll LOVE these simple methods.
Submit your content for a free review
Once again, I’m making a call for your content. This time round I’m looking for:
- Any piece of content where you want the reader to take action once they’ve read it
- This could be a sales page, a landing page, your home page… pretty much anything really
- Simply send in your content and tell me: what action do you want your reader to take?
If your content gets picked, I’ll do a FREE review during the copywriting lab and even give you rewrites that you can go away and use. This is always popular so I urge you to send in your content as soon as possible.
Once you register you’ll also get details on how you can submit your content for the chance to be chosen for the “Hot Seat” review.

See you soon!
Amy Harrison
Write With Influence
Previous Live Copywriting Labs include:
- Killer Conversion Copywriting Techniques
- Writing Your Home Page Copy
- How to Write Persuasive Sales Pages and Landing Pages
- How to Write Engaging (Non-Salesy) About Pages… That Sell What You Do
- Beef Up Your Tweets! How to Write Engaging Updates for Twitter
- Killer conversion copywriting techniques
(Remember, if you’re a Write With Influence member you get access to all the archived Live Copywriting Labs. For more details on becoming a member, click here.)